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White Dew
2021-10-25 15:17:12

White Dew is the 15th solar term in the "24 Solar terms" and the 3rd solar term in autumn. As the weather 

gradually turns cool, the sun is still hot in the daytime, but the temperature will soon drop after the evening, 

and the temperature difference between day and night is large.


Healthy Living Tips:

In white dew solar term to avoid nasal diseases, asthma and bronchial diseases, diet health to Sheng Jin 

Runfei. It is recommended to eat more foods and fruits that promote body fluid and nourish the lungs, such 

as Sydney, sugar cane, persimmon, horseshoe, Tremella, pineapple, bird's nest, pig's lung, honey, black 

chicken, turtle meat, turtle meat, duck eggs, etc. Smokers should eat more lung food in autumn, such as milk, 

carrots, peanuts, corn flour, vegetable. Still need to eat the bean sprout that often contains a few vitamins, 

cabbage, vegetable oil to wait, in order to supplement vitamin.


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