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The Beginning of Winter
2021-11-08 09:41:57

The Beginning of Winter is the 19th solar term in the 24 solar terms. The beginning of winter 

means that life begins to close and everything enters a state of recuperation and collection. The 

climate changes from dry autumn to rainy winter.

In daily life, people should go to bed early and get up late, sunrise and work to ensure 

adequate sleep, which is conducive to Yang Qi hidden, Yin Jing accumulation. Dress too little 

too thin, room temperature is too low, both easy to catch a cold and waste Yang qi. On the 

contrary, too much clothing is too thick, room temperature is too high, cou Rationale open 

leak, Yang qi should not hide, cold evil easy to invade.



Healthy Living Tips:

About Diet, You should pay attention to eat less raw and cold, eat more warm and thick food. 

For example, Chinese cabbage, radish, sweet potato, potato, tofu, fungus and so on, these 

foods are rich in vitamins can effectively supplement the needs of the human body.


Related tags: winter begins,winter comes